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  • DJ Mountney's avatar
    Add a script for migrating the database · 43efb5de
    DJ Mountney authored
    Use a print command for find that is compat with busybox
    Fix sed command syntax for replacing the app subscription
    Add a wait for dependencies script that can be used in init containers
    Fix the db-migrate script syntax
    Fxi db-migrate rake path, and bad if condition
    Change our builds to use the current branch build cache
    But still fall back to latest
    Fix db-migrate status check
    Use proper bash test syntax
    Improve status test
    Grab the hash from md5sum
    Try to fix the volume permissions for upgrade status dir
    Fix missing trailing command
    Do a better job of catching success status
    See if we can have the migrations wait for the dependencies to be up
    Run bundle from correct directory
    Add more output to the migration commands
    Update sidekiq to be compatible with the wait-for command
    Make sure the sidekiq wrapper is executable
    Switch docker-compose file back to using latest